Weiss Lake Archive, 1999-Present
Updated May 7, 2012

Weiss Lake full summer pool may be hard to achieve - 05/07/12
Weiss crappie size limits often go ignored - 04/30/12


State Health Dept. grants special sewage variance to Weiss Lake - 08/22/11

Alabama Power: 'From 814 down to zero' - by Scott Wright - 06/20/11

Williamson: Commitment to Weiss Lake still there - by Scott Wright - 05/16/11

Until recently, little urgency over intensive Weiss study - by Scott Wright - 03/28/11

Williamson: We're going to 'plant a flag,' begin cleanup - by Scott Wright - 03/07/11

Alabama Power: We have no authority on sewage - by Scott Wright - 02/28/11

How the Crappie Capital got its name - by Roy Mitchell - 02/14/11

THE WRIGHT ANGLE: Commission needs show of support on Weiss cleanup - 02/14/11 

State Health Dept.: Commission must lead on Weiss cleanup - by Scott Wright - 02/07/11  

Elite status eludes 50-year-old Weiss Lake - by Scott Wright - 01/17/11 

WLIA testing for sources of raw sewage - by Scott Wright - 01/11/11


CRBI: New water rule won't protect Coosa River, Weiss Lake - 12/13/10

APCO's new FERC license still months away - by Scott Wright - 11/22/10

King: Sewage law enforcement is Commission's job - by Scott Wright - 09/06/10

Commission moves toward flood zone enforcement - by Scott Wright - 07/19/10

Latest sewage spill at Belle handled, says Hollins - by Scott Wright - 07/05/10

No one enforcing sewage law in effect since 2001 - by Scott Wright - 05/17/10

This stinks: Raw sewage complaints go unaddressed - by Scott Wright - 03/01/10


Spokesman: Coal ash pond at Plant Hammond safe - 01/19/09

Alabama Power hopes to take advantage of recent rains - 01/12/09

Supreme Court sides with Alabama in water war - 01/12/09


Wright completes book about history of Weiss Lake - 10/27/08

Alabama lakes still affected by drought conditions - 06/10/08

Rainfalls levels near normal across Southeast - 03/24/08

Officials: Full Weiss won't signal end of drought - 02/04/08


Fish from Weiss Lake safe to eat - 11/12/07

Riley in uproar over Corps of Engineers - 10/08/07

Drought will force further flow cuts - 10/01/07

Dried-out Weiss Lake hurting local businesses - 09/24/07

Georgia water unbottled by Corps of Engineers - 07/23/07

Alabama Power cuts hydroelectric flow at dams - 07/20/07

Fears of winter pool in Weiss by July 27 - 07/02/07

Drought conditions continue to worsen - 06/18/07

Alabama Power requests help from Corps of Engineers - 06/18/07

Local guides know where to find fish in Weiss - 05/28/07

Alabama Power 'very concerned' about drought - 05/14/07

Drought could affect water level in Weiss - 04/09/07

Couple files countersuit against Alabama Power - 03/12/07

Officials: Weiss won't rise anytime soon - 02/12/07

Alabama Power serious about enforcing shoreline rules - 01/22/07



Health Dept.: Sewage around Weiss a problem - 08/28/06

Alabama Power opens shoreline mgt. office in Centre - 07/24/06

Boats not bothered by high gas prices - 06/19/06

Weiss winter level won't rise anytime soon: Official - 03/24/06

Sen. Dial's 'big boat bill' discussed at WLIA meeting - 03/24/06

Ga. Legislature wants Atlanta to conserve water - 02/20/06

Paddlers to canoe Coosa, Etowah river in June - 02/13/06

Weiss, Rock City make top 100 list - 02/06/06

Atlanta's new plan could affect Coosa River - 01/24/06



Weiss winter pool set to rise in 2008 - 10/31/05

Some lost, but county gained economically from lake - 03/15/99

Damming the Coosa River - 03/08/99

How a hydroelectric dam works - 03/08/99

Texas native Weiss deserving of honor - 03/08/99