Johnny Usry Wind project positives outweigh negatives I have lived in Cherokee County all my life. There have been very few changes, other than Weiss Lake. When I read about the Shinbone Wind Energy Project, I was excited to learn it would be the first project of its type anywhere in the Southeast. I was raised below Shinbone Ridge in the Slackland community. As a child, my excitement each day was to hear the train from Birmingham to Chattanooga at lunch time. Over my 60 years, I have noticed that a lot of people do not like change. I did not like it when they discontinued the train. I also did not like it when the state took 14 acres of the best farmland from our family farm in Slackland for the next phase of the four-lane project of Highway 411 to Gadsden. But I know for our county to grow and prosper, things have to change. There has been talk that the wind turbine project will ruin the park, that they are ugly and make noise. I think if people will take the time to find out the facts, they will learn that the people studying the program have considered these concerns. I understand the closest home will be two miles away. There will be only one or two turbines on park property if the plan gets the final go-ahead, with the rest on private property. The Jacksonville Economic Development Study tells us Cherokee County could have a projected estimated increase in tax revenue of between $285,000 to $300,000 each year, an estimated $8.7 million over 30 years. I understand most of these tax revenues will go toward education. Everyone, I am sure, can agree that our education system could use the money. It appears to me this project could impact our county almost as if we had a large new industry moving in. I understand there will be numerous studies done to make sure the Shinbone Wind Project will work as perceived. I am a member of the County Library Board, and we are a non-paid board, just like the members of the County Parks and Recreation Board. I imagine they never receive any thanks from the public, as we don't. Our gift is knowing we are doing the best job we can for our county. I am proud to see what our Parks Board is doing with Cherokee Rock Village. In the past, everything that was improved at the park was destroyed by people who did not respect public property. I believe the future looks bright for the park. Personally, I think the wind project will add beauty to the top of Shinbone Ridge above my family's farm. Before anyone makes a decision as to how they feel about the project, I hope they will consider all the facts. I feel the many pluses for this project outweigh any negatives. I have twin granddaughters in the Cherokee County school system and would like to know they could have a better education without increasing our taxes. Again, thanks to the
members of the Parks Board for all the hard work they are doing for our
county. I pray God will bless them with all the work before them. |