Shane Givens and Summer McWhorter
July 18, 2012
What is Obamacare? - Part II Last
week, we looked at the basics of “Obamacare” or The Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act (ACA). Reportedly, 55 percent of Americans do not want
the legislation and 26 states have either opposed the ACA or vowed not to
implement it. So why do so many oppose this law? Generally, they cite the
following reasons.
_ Proposed economic incentives, plus a government-run health plan like the
one proposed in the House bill, would cause 88.1 million people to see their
current employer-sponsored health plan disappear.
_ Even if you kept your private insurance, eventually most remaining
plans—whether employer plans or individual plans—would have to conform to
new federal benefit standards. Moreover, the necessary plan “upgrades” will
undoubtedly cost you more in premiums.
_ Because the federal government is creating this health care plan and
controlling it, the federal government will also set the rules for private
plans. This includes provisions which would allow the government to approve
or disapprove of health-care providers. Many feel that there is little doubt
that given this power, the federal government would put private medical
“competitors” out of business sooner or later.
_ Under Obamacare, the federal government will pick your treatment. For
Example, President Obama has stated, “They’re going to have to give up
paying for things that don’t make them healthier. … If there’s a blue pill
and a red pill, and the blue pill is half the price of the red pill and
works just as well, why not pay half for the thing that’s going to make you
well.” Many feel that the government should not be able to pick which pill
you should take.
_ Obamacare will result in increased taxes or penalties. Additionally, many
feel that a proposed surtax on the wealthy will actually hit hundreds of
thousands of small business owners who are dealing with a recession. If it
is enacted,
_ Pro-life supporters claim that because abortion is not specifically
excluded, the federal health board could recommend that abortion services be
included under the covered benefits of a person’s health care package.
_ Many believe that Obamacare will increase the national deficit by at least
$239 billion over 10 years. And that number will likely continue to rise
over the long term. Similar entitlement bills in the past, including
Medicare, have scored much lower than their actual eventual cost.
_ Most congressmen and women have not even read the entire bill. One
Congressman was even quoted as saying that it’s pointless to read one of the
reform bills without two days and two lawyers to make sense of it. Obamacare
opposition believes that deception is the only reason to rush through a bill
nobody truly understands. This column is intended for general information purposes only. The answers to most legal problems rely on specific facts of a particular situation; therefore, it is very important to see a lawyer when these situations arise. Please e-mail questions for future columns to |