July 23, 2012
Dozens qualify for local elected positions STAFF REPORTS CENTRE — Clerks in the municipalities of Centre, Cedar Bluff, Leesburg and Gayleville report a total of 47 local candidates have qualified to seek office in the Aug. 28 election. The Post has received no reply from Sand Rock town officials, despite repeated calls. In Centre, restaurant owner and current Mayor Tony Wilkie will be seeking his second term against former Alabama state trooper Jay Howell. In the Centre City Council race, current members Harry Moon, Glenn Chandler, Frankie Kelly, Phillip Roberts and Bess Yarborough will be joined on the ballot by Sheila Barrett, Jean Gossett, Marc Johnson, Ronnie Strawbridge, Darlene Swafford, Derrick Wheeler and Agnes Wright. Council member Sid Garrett is running for probate judge. Councilman Joe Hall is not seeking reelection. City Clerk Mary Lee Tucker explained that voters will be allowed to vote once for mayor, but can cast seven votes, in any combination they choose, for council members. “Our cumulative voting method was the most feasible solution to a court order from the 1980s that the city create an equal opportunity for minorities to be elected to the City Council,” Tucker said. In Cedar Bluff, Mayor Ethel Sprouse will face four challengers – Sam Ellis, Margaret Wallace, former Mayor Martha Baker and current town councilman Jack Bond. In District 1, incumbent Evan Smith will be on the ballot along with challengers Billie Burkhalter and Jimmy Wallace. In District 2, Tammy Crane is running unopposed for the seat currently held by Lenora McWhorter. In District 3, Nathan Thacker and Jerry Sprayberry will vie for the seat currently held by Bond. Norman Burton, the incumbent, will face former Mayor Paul McWhorter III in District 4. In District 5, Letha Harp is running unopposed. Across the county in Leesburg, Mayor Edward Mackey faces a challenge from current town councilman Tony Chandler and Dianne Tillery. Place 1 has three contenders: Brad Roberts, Tim Ransum and Frankie Brewster; Joe Sonaty and Leonard Joseph are seeking the Place 2 spot; Brandy Pierce and Jerry Johns are running for Place 3; Wayne Byram is unopposed for the Place 4 position; and Bill Jones faces Brandon Betterton for Place 5. In Gaylesville, mayoral candidate Elizabeth Stafford and council candidates Jean Watwood (Seat 1), Gay Simpson (Seat 2), April Givens (Seat 3), Tommy Storey (Seat 4) and Tina Rowland (Seat 5) are all running unopposed. According to an official at the Cherokee County Board of Registrars, polling places inside the various municipalities will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 28. “Residents of the towns should call their town halls to find out more information about where the voting will take place,” said Peggy Chandler. She said residents should remember to bring some form of identification to the polls . “It doesn't necessarily have to be a photo ID card,” she said. “In the past we have been able to accept Social Security cards, voter identification cards, even light bills.” Chandler said anyone who has moved into a municipality since the last election should contact her office soon. “The last day we can add names to the list before the municipal election is Friday, August 17,” she said. “Folks can call us at 256-927-5336.” |