Jan. 4, 2011

Culberson, PHS donate to Piedmont city schools

By Ben Ingram

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PIEDMONT — When residents here see the acronym “P.H.S.” they naturally think about award-winning Piedmont High School. However, there is another P.H.S. in Piedmont that is also a winner.

Preferred Health Services (PHS) is a Centre-based corporate nursing home management company owned by Jerry Culberson and his daughter, Trudy Lowe.

PHS is the professional management team contracted by the Piedmont Health Care Authority (PHCA) to oversee the daily operations of the Piedmont Health Care Center (PHCC). Since Culberson took over management in 1991, the facility has grown from 31 beds to 91 and has expanded to include specialty units for dementia and other ailments.

Another $3.6 million rehabilitation and physical therapy wing opened in 2001.

“Mr. C [as Mr. Culberson is commonly known] and Preferred Health Services not only assist in daily operations but in the growth” of PHS, said PHCA Board President Dr. Benjamin Ingram.

Culberson's involvement in Piedmont did not end with his managerial responsibilities. He also assisted the city government through five different administrations, helping to recruit doctors, open the Vera Stewart Senior Center, and establish a local Meals on Wheels and food bank program.

“When I first came to Piedmont back in 1991, I drove down Highway 9 to Highway 278 and, to my great delight, saw on the McDonald's sign: 'CONGRATULATIONS P.H.S.',” Culberson laughed. “I soon found out that P.H.S. also meant Piedmont High School.”

Culberson, who earned his bachelor's degree in business from Pacific Western University in Los Angeles, has operated nursing home facilities for over 24 years in Alabama and Tennessee.

The experience has taught Culberson the importance of education and health care, so upon hearing about the Piedmont Education Trust (PET), Culberson became a benefactor in 1994. PET was established in 1992 by Superintendent Dr. Theresa Kisor to provide grants for classroom equipment, programs, and college scholarships.

The most recent donation by Culberson, of $1,600, pushed Preferred Health Services across the $10,000 threshold and allowed PHS to attain the gift-giving status “Lamp of Foundation.”

PET President Dr. Cynthia Harper recently presented Culberson a personalized lamp in recognition of the milestone.

“Piedmont Education Trust is very appreciative of Mr. Culberson's and Preferred Health Services' financial contribution,” she said. “The gifting from a company based in Centre speaks volumes about Mr. C.'s love for the Piedmont community and students.”

Since 1991, PET has awarded over $167,000 in teacher grants and nearly $196,000 in scholarships. Anyone who wishes to donate to the fund may send tax-exempt donations to PO Box 819, Piedmont, AL 36272.

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