Sept. 21, 2010

Amos's office releases absentee ballot info


STAFF REPORTS — The office of Cherokee County Circuit Clerk Dwayne Amos today released details about the absentee voting procedure for the Nov. 2 general election. 

According to the statement dated Sept. 21, absentee voting will begin “on or about” Sept. 23. The last date to apply for an absentee ballot is Thursday, Oct. 28. 

Voters who choose to vote absentee must present their ballots in person by Nov. 1 at the circuit clerk’s office in the Cherokee County Courthouse. Mailed ballots must be received by the clerk’s office no later than noon on Nov. 2. 

According to the state from Amos, any qualified elector may vote an absentee ballot by mail or in person at the absentee election manager's office if he or she makes application in writing not less than five days prior to the election and meets one of the following requirements:


_ The person will be out of the county or state on Election Day. 

_ The person has any physical illness or infirmity which prevents his or her attendance at the polls, whether he or she is within or without the county on the day of election. 

_ The person works a shift which has at least 10 hours which coincide with the hours the polls are open at his or her regular polling place. 

_ The person is enrolled as a student at an educational institution located outside the county of his or her personal residence (attendance) at which prevents his or her attendance at the polls. 

_ The person is a member of, or spouse or dependant of a member of, the armed forces of the United States or is similarly qualified to vote absentee pursuant to the Federal Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, 42 U.S.C. 1973ff.

The person has been appointed as an election officer or named as a poll watcher at a polling place other than his or her regular polling place. 

Applications for absentee voting are available at the circuit clerk’s office and the Secretary of State's web page ( Those serving in the United States armed forces (including spouse) should contact their commanding officer for an application. 

Voter identification instructions will accompany each absentee ballot and must be carefully followed to ensure that the ballot meets the requirements of the law.  

For answers to more questions, call Amos’s office at 256-927-3340 or visit